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Offline Password Cracking

Introduction of Offline Password Cracker


What Is Offline Password Cracking? Offline password cracking technique involves recovering passwords from an already obtained password hash file. And the cracked objects involve password hash in Linux shadow file, SSH private key, zip, rar and other compressed package files, NTLM Hash, AS-REP/TGS-REP Hash and so on. Here I will introduce two famous Hash cracking tools: Hashcat and John the Ripper. Through these two tools, you can specify your own wordlist for brute force cracking.


Hashcat is world’s fastest password hash cracker, and supports many kinds of password hash. You need to specify your password hash type when you are using this tool. You can use command hashcat --help to list all password types supported by hashcat, and use hashcat --help | grep -i [your hash type] to search for the number corresponding to your hash type.

For example, to crack Net-NTLMv2 Hash, you can use hashcat --help | grep -i NTLMv2 to find the number corresponding to your hash type (which is 5600).

Then, you can use hashcat -m 5600 [your hash file] /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --force to brute force cracking this hash.

You can use the same steps to try to crack the AS-REP/TGS-REP Hash, password hash in Linux shadow file, etc.

John the Ripper

John the Ripper is a very versatile tool, it has many modules that allow you to extract password hashes from various files. For example: zip2john, ssh2john, pdf2john… You can find them all by using ls -la /bin/ | grep 2john command.

John the Ripper is very easy to use, for example, to crack a SSH private key, you can use ssh2john [SSH file] > hash to extract the password hash.

Then, you can use john [file] -w="/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt" to crack the password for the corresponding SSH private key.

You can use the same steps to try to crack the password of zip, rar, pdf, etc.

By the way

With this tools, you can no only specify your wordlist, but also apply your own password rule. The most commonly used rule is /usr/share/hashcat/rules/best64.rule.

If you feel that these two tools are too slow to run locally, you can use web cracking. These web pages can quickly search for hash values through their own rainbow tables. For example: DES CRACKER and Crack Station