
Blog description


ZT’s Blog

I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance...

Site purpose

Welcome to my blog, I am currently studying at UCM in Spain, majoring in Computer Science. My research area is Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence.

This blog is used to record and share my life~

The topics of the blog include but are not limited to daily life, travel, information technology sharing…

I will also record some study notes here, and you can refer to the categories or tags for details.

Languages of this blog

The language of the blog post can be one of Chinese, English or Spanish. Exercising different language skills is also one of the purposes of this site.

If anyone wants to see an article in other languages, you can comment below the article, and I will try to translate it soon :)


That’s all I can think of for now~

Hope this site can help you (◍•ᴗ•◍)